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Over time, organizations evolve, redefine their purpose, and reinvent themselves. What allows them to maintain their unique identity is precisely what they manage to preserve from their origins. This is the essence and DNA of the organization.

Our essence and DNA are born with our name and stem from our belief that regenerative transformations depend on the ability of diverse actors within a system to engage in meaningful dialogue and create agreements.

Since its founding in 2005, PACTO has played a central role in facilitating collective construction processes that capture the system’s intelligence and activate the potential of individuals and organizations as a whole, serving positive social, environmental, and economic impacts. This is our DNA.

Believing that regenerative organizations should be light, flexible, and with permeable “membranes” for sensitive and intelligent interaction with the ecosystems in which they operate, we also organize ourselves as a network, forming alliances with technical partners who bring the most essential expertise for the development of each project.



Beatriz Mendes

Beatriz Mendes works in facilitation, institutional development, and racial equity, promoting the economic empowerment of Black communities at Instituto NoFront. She is also part of initiatives such as UNITE2030 and Forbes BLK. PhD candidate in International Relations and holds a master’s degree in Political Science from USP.

Cris Chiofalo

Cris Chiófalo facilitates dialogues and conflict mediation, helping organizations build more collaborative environments. Her expertise includes Nonviolent Communication and Restorative Justice. She holds a master’s degree in Dialogic Mediation and Restorative Justice from the University of Padua and a degree in Communication and Arts from USP.

Ivy Frizo

Ivy Frizo is an enthusiast of bio-inspired organizational structures and regenerative cultures. As a facilitator and consultant, she implements responsive governance systems through Organizational Design. A member of the UN Harmony with Nature Network, she shares her knowledge through lectures and courses. PhD in Ecology from UFSCar, with a background in Biological Sciences.

Kaio Gameleira

Kaio Gameleira focuses on policy articulation and design, serving as vice president of Instituto União Keralux and as a health and housing council member. He writes about racial and urban equity. Graduated in Public Policy Management from USP, with a postgraduate degree in Social Urbanism.

Lucia Nader

Lucia Nader works with human rights and democracy, having served as director of the NGO Conectas and currently as a board member in various initiatives. She researches new forms of activism and philanthropy. Social entrepreneur at Ashoka. PhD candidate in regenerative activism, with a background in Political Science. Lives in England.

Milena Edwirges

Milena Edwirges designs and evaluates policies and programs, focusing on diversity and inclusion. She is passionate about the relationship between philanthropy and public policies and collaborative management and evaluation models. Graduated in Public Policy Management from USP.

Patrícia Iacabo

Patrícia Iacabo is dedicated to evaluating education and health programs, promoting collaborative methodologies. She is part of the Editorial Board of the Brazilian Journal of Evaluation. Holds a master’s degree in Science and Nutrition from UNIFESP.

Rayane Freitas

Rayane Freitas specializes in evaluation and learning in philanthropy and public policies, focusing on diversity and inclusion. Mentor and finalist for the Eliete Salomon Tudisco Award 2024, she coordinates the book Democracy, Diversity, and Inclusion. PhD and master's in Science from UNIFESP.

Rogerio Silva

Rogério Silva works in organizational culture and development, focusing on strategy, evaluation, and program implementation, topics on which he has authored dozens of articles and chapters. He holds a PhD in Public Health from USP and is a psychoanalyst from CEP.

Sérgio Sampaio

Sergio Sampaio is an enthusiast of strategic planning in public and non-governmental organizations, emphasizing strategy design and governance models. With over 20 years of experience in the field, he holds a master’s degree in Public Administration from FGV.

Thiago Saldanha

Thiago Saldanha mediates conflicts and facilitates leadership processes and strategic conversations. With experience in collaborative dynamics, he focuses on developing learning and inclusive environments based on Nonviolent Communication. Trained at Schumacher College, Gaia Education, ICFML, and Bay NVC.


Anderson Lucas

Anderson Lucas researches food security and works as a data consultant for the Ministry of Development and Social Assistance. Master’s in Food, Nutrition, and Health from UNIFESP, PhD candidate in Public Health Nutrition at USP.

Marco Akerman

Marco Akerman is passionate about health promotion and collaborative management models. As a professor and researcher, he directs CEPEDOC Healthy Cities and works on public policies for health equity. Senior lecturer at USP.

Marina Judice

Marina Judice supports entrepreneurs and organizations in socio-environmental projects, combining learning community management and business acceleration. Works in organizational development and bioeconomy. Materials Engineer.

Raylla Andrade

Raylla Andrade facilitates groups and promotes nonviolent communication, supporting human development processes. Professor and co-creator of the Regenerative Conversations program. Psychologist from USP, with a postgraduate degree in Human Resources.

Renata Codas

Renata Codas specializes in program evaluation and public policy development, focusing on social inclusion and migration. Feminist activist. Lawyer, master’s degree from FLACSO-Argentina. Lives in Buenos Aires.

uiu rosa

uiu rosa works in food security and cultural inclusion. Co-founder of Instituto Feira Livre, which expands access to organic food, he is a teacher at the Prévia community prep course. Works as a designer and technology project developer. Holds a degree in Visual Arts from UNESP.

Wilgli Renan de Oliveira

Wilgli Renan facilitates inclusion and diversity processes in organizations, helping to create safer spaces. Works in strategic planning and cultural transformation for governments and NGOs.

Silvia Silva

Silvia Silva researches racial relations in Brazil and facilitates group dialogues. She promotes authentic dialogue, equity, and the ethics of care, coordinating the Diversity & Inclusion MBA at BBI of Chicago. Develops consulting and training with NVC and active methodologies. Master’s in Social Psychology (UFMG).


Bruno Cirino

Bruno Cirino works in financial management, process analysis, and optimization to ensure organizational sustainability. Holds a degree in Accounting.

Màvu Bernardes

Màvu Bernardes has worked in the financial sector for over 10 years, with experience in accounting and banking management. Postgraduate in commercial management, holds a degree in Accounting from UNEB.

Lívia Guimarães

Doutoranda e mestra em Ciências Humanas e Sociais pela UFABC. Há mais de 17 anos no campo da gestão de projetos sociais no terceiro setor e investimento social privado; desde 2015 inserida em iniciativas de avaliação. Pesquisadora do Núcleo de Estudos sobre Controle Social, Memórias e Resistências da UFABC onde vem desenvolvendo pesquisa nas áreas de gênero, raça, classe, sexualidade. Membro da Associação Brasileira de Pesquisadores Negros (ABPN). Graduada em pedagogia pela UFSJ e especialista em Gestão de Projetos pela FAFIRE/PE.


Pesquisadora de Pós-Doutorado no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Humanas e Sociais, da Universidade Federal do ABC (PCHS/UFABC). Doutora em Sociologia pela Universidade de São Paulo, onde se formou em Ciências Sociais. Trabalho e pesquisas nos seguintes temas: direitos sociais, políticas públicas, interseccionalidades (gênero, raça e classe e suas intersecções). Docência em nível de graduação e Pós-Graduação. Consultorias na área de monitoramento e avaliação.

Mariana Garcia

Especialista em planejamento e gestão de projetos sociais no terceiro setor, graduada em Comunicação Social, e pós-graduada em Pedagogia da Cooperação e Metodologias Colaborativas. Tem experiência em desenho e implementação de processos conversacionais apoiados na Comunicação Não-Violenta, e formação em Mediação de Conflitos pela Associação Palas Athena. Facilitadora de processos de construção colaborativa, formada pela H+K Desenvolvimento Humano. Idealizadora da Reconecta - consultoria com foco no fortalecimento das relações, é também colaboradora e facilitadora na PACTO.










