Make it more coherent, sensitive, and regenerative.
The regeneration of social, political, economic, and environmental ecosystems requires the development and activation of regenerative organizations.
Being the change you want to see in the world is the path of coherence that individuals and organizations can take to ensure their contributions are genuine and effective for the planet.
High-impact, large-scale collective actions require organizational structures that are permeable, flexible, and with distributed power. We need to better harness the potential and resources available, acting as networks, alliances, and coalitions.
Love and power; reason and emotion; physical and spiritual: the pursuit of wholeness in human beings within organizations is a fundamental principle for individual, organizational, and systemic regeneration.
Organizations are living systems with their own evolutionary purposes and the ability to regenerate themselves.
What if, instead of employees serving the organization, organizations served the development of the potential of those who bring their purposes to life?
We facilitate organizational evolution processes, integrating personal, collective, and systemic dimensions.




Identity and Evolutionary Purpose
Strategic Direction and Alignment
Impact and implementation Evaluation
Listening, research, and systemic mapping

Mapping and Aligning Values for Regenerative Organizational Culture
Dynamic Governance
Flexible and Responsive Organizational Designs
Activation of Networks, Alliances, Coalitions, and Movements

Individual and Team Mentoring
Individual and collective feedback practices
Collective Agreements and Collaborative Constructions
"It is not easy to lead internal processes of organizational evolution, as they often require rethinking the organization. At WWF-Brazil, we began this journey with a reflection on our organizational purpose, and now we are working on our culture and strategy for the coming years. A fundamental partner throughout this journey, PACTO provides us with great confidence to face a process of reflection that may lead us to unknown paths. Drawing from objective and inspiring references, PACTO’s approach establishes a trusting environment within the organization, essential for a genuine co-creation process."
Mauricio VoivodicExecutive Director of WWF-Brazil
"The moderation strategy designed and facilitated by PACTO was essential in fostering the motivation for continuity among the more than 60 State Managers of the ABC Plan present at the meeting. With PACTO’s support, it was possible to achieve greater and more dynamic engagement from this large team."
Katia MarzallGeneral Coordination of Climate Change at MAPA
"With precise references and active listening, PACTO helped us rethink the governance of Casa do Povo based on who we are and what we do. The process lasted several months and took place during a difficult and conflict-ridden internal transition. The consultants became partners and helped us create a new space of trust within the institution itself."
Benjamin SerousiCasa do Povo
"Our challenge was to design, coordinate, and sustain a permanent process for managing the organization's strategy, characterized by independent business units and the inherent rigidity of combining a financial institution with a public agency. PACTO, as a specialist in change management and, most importantly, in collective construction processes, supported us throughout this journey, enabling us to create and follow our own path of evolution."
Manuel AugustoNational Treasury Secretariat
"Working with PACTO was wonderful. They managed to create a common reference together with the entire team, allowing us to see the Institute from various perspectives without losing sight of the whole. From this comprehensive understanding and the different demands and expectations, we were able to design a theory of change and an action plan. Thinking about the future of InPACTO has become much easier."
Mercia SilvaInstituto InPacto
"IEMA always faces the challenge of promoting technical and political discussions among different stakeholders to find solutions for issues related to energy, transportation, and the environment. PACTO has helped us design and facilitate complex conversations with lightness and sensitivity, making them an essential partner in these processes."
André Ferreira Instituto de Energia e Meio Ambiente
"Building our Theory of Change with the support of PACTO was a defining project for Vaga Lume. The process involved the team, the board, and frontline volunteers in a deep review of our beliefs and methodology. PACTO’s attentive listening and facilitation were essential, and the final result has brought us to a new level of cohesion as a group. We emerged stronger and more aligned to continue working for what we believe in and what unites us as an organization."
Sylvia GuimarãesVaga Lume
"We relied on PACTO's support for a strategic activity within Idec’s Healthy Food Program: the creation of the Alliance for Adequate and Healthy Food, involving various civil society organizations from across Brazil. PACTO’s work was fundamental in helping us map the interests and assets of each actor in the Alliance, allowing us to define a common political agenda and set priorities collaboratively, with concrete results."
Ana Paula BortolettoIdec
"PACTO was fundamental in the evolution of Rede Ubuntu as an organization. By combining structured strategic planning with a human and subtle approach, PACTO created a process that allowed us to have the necessary conversations to grow as a network. All of this was done with a deep sense of purpose, as PACTO’s facilitators direct their work and efforts toward genuinely making a difference in transforming our society. We are immensely grateful!"
Eduardo SeindenthalRede Ubuntu
"Changing our institutional mission and implementing a new agenda with the team and board was an intense review process for us. With PACTO’s collaboration, we adopted an operational model that allows for greater fluidity, exchange, and autonomy, enabling people to take on different roles in their daily activities. We realized that this way of working can be more effective in engaging the team and is also essential for addressing complex issues such as the sustainable development of urban peripheries."
Paula GaleanoFundação Tide Setubal
"Creating new organizations that remain true to their commitment to clarity and effectiveness in action—spaces for continuous evolution and learning that are open, creative, dynamic, and joyful, and successful as a whole—is a constant challenge in our time. Working with PACTO has always been a valuable experience in this direction, within the framework of seriousness and inspiration that characterizes the company's approach."
José Marcelo ZacchiGIFE
"PACTO played a decisive role in our process of building and strengthening a mobility network with key actors in São Paulo. Greenpeace has been pursuing this challenge of networked collaboration for years, and despite the complexity and length of the process, PACTO’s understanding and facilitation were conducted with great openness and ease. The results have been long-lasting: for over two years, the group has successfully carried out initiatives, influencing the municipal government on key issues such as bus procurement and the transition to cleaner fuels in public transportation."
Ricardo BaiteloGreenpeace
"We arrived with a vague idea, and between the first and second briefing meetings, PACTO significantly refined and evolved our concept based on what we presented. They not only facilitated the meeting but also helped us shape the idea. Additionally, PACTO’s detailed report of the meeting allowed us to share exactly what was discussed, enabling participants to choose their focus areas or the actions they wanted to take. The final result was comprehensive and well-contextualized, and I have already used it as a reference for producing several other reports."
Além disso, com a relatoria detalhada do encontro oferecida pela Pacto, conseguimos compartilhar exatamente o que foi conversado no nosso encontro e, assim, as pessoas escolhem no que querem focar ou na ação que querem tomar a partir das informações disponíveis. Ficou muito completo e contextualizado e eu já o utilizei como base para produzir diversos outros informes.
Gabi JunsDigital Strategy Coordinator at Instituto Update
"The planning process allowed the group to organize its objectives, strategies, and goals, but most importantly, it introduced new ideas, fundraising approaches, and innovative strategies. These innovations emerged thanks to the creative approach and engaging atmosphere we were able to create with PACTO."
Gabriella BighettiUnited Way Brasil
"I have the privilege of having PACTO as a partner in my projects. Always with a systemic, thoughtful, and human perspective, these partners have a keen ability to listen and work with our team to deliver something that truly aligns with our organization's culture and needs. Another strong point is their commitment to delivery—they manage to balance focus with openness to inclusion. It’s a pleasure to work with you!"
Silvia MosquimFundação Renova