

"It is not easy to lead internal processes of organizational evolution, as they generally require rethinking the organization. At WWF-Brazil, we began this journey with a reflection on our organizational purpose, and we are now working on our culture and strategy for the coming years. A key partner throughout this journey, PACTO provides us with great confidence to face a reflection process that may lead us to yet unknown paths. Drawing from objective and inspiring references, PACTO's approach creates an environment of trust within the organization, which is essential for a genuine co-creation process."

- Mauricio Voivodic, Executive Director of WWF-Brazil
"The Coalition, a multistakeholder network with more than 160 organizations—from agribusiness representatives to environmentalists—needed to investigate the most suitable modus operandi to achieve its strategic objectives in pursuit of a low-carbon economy. One of the major challenges was decision-making, considering that the network’s actors hold different positions on various issues and that consensus-based decisions often did not yield the most satisfactory results. PACTO introduced us to alternative decision-making methodologies, notably consent, which proved to be a turning point in our governance model. Reaching this conclusion and understanding was possible thanks to a broad consultation with the leadership group, conducted by PACTO, which ultimately revealed key pathways for the Coalition’s maturation."

- Luana Maia
Coalizão Brasil
"IEMA constantly faces the challenge of fostering technical and political discussions among different stakeholders to find solutions to issues related to energy, transportation, and the environment. PACTO has helped us design and facilitate complex discussions with ease and sensitivity, making them a valuable partner in these processes."

- André Ferreira
PACTO provided technical support to WRI Brazil in designing the organization's strategic planning process.
WRI Brasil
PACTO was responsible for designing, preparing, facilitating, and systematizing a strategic planning workshop for the OCARA Energia brand, a program coordinated by iCS that is part of an international network of think tanks led by AGORA Energiewende, based in Berlin, Germany, whose mission is to contribute to the energy transition towards low-carbon economies.
"PACTO supported the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, and Supply and the consulting firm Agroicone in the development and execution of the 2019 National Meeting of State Managers for the ABC Plan—Sectoral Plan for Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Change for the Consolidation of a Low-Carbon Emission Economy in Agriculture. Based on listening and analyzing the current stage of the plan, PACTO designed the meeting processes and dynamics, facilitated activities, and systematized the information generated over the two-day event, which gathered around 60 national and state managers."


"PACTO was instrumental in our process of connecting and building a mobility network with the key stakeholders working on this issue in São Paulo. Greenpeace has been pursuing this challenge of networked collaboration for several years, and understanding and facilitating this process—despite being quite challenging and lengthy—was carried out with great ease and openness by PACTO. The results have been long-lasting: for over two years, the group has successfully implemented actions, influencing the municipal government on key issues such as the bus bidding process and the transition to cleaner fuels in public transportation."

- Ricardo Baitelo


"Building our Theory of Change with the support of PACTO was a milestone project for Vaga Lume. The process involved the team, the board, and frontline volunteers in a deep review of our beliefs and methodology. PACTO’s attentive listening and facilitation were essential, and the final result has brought us to a new level of cohesion as a group. We emerged stronger and more aligned to continue working for what we believe in and what unites us as an organization."

- Sylvia Guimarães
PACTO supported the PUC PR University of the Marista Group in developing models of mission, identity, and extension indicators, with the aim of monitoring and evaluating access, quality, results, and the institution’s impact on society.
PACTO designed and facilitated a meeting between American and Brazilian experts on education assessment, promoted by the Lemann Foundation in partnership with Teachers College, the education school of Columbia University, in New York.
Fundação Lemann
PACTO supported the coordination team of the Itaú UNICEF Award in building a theory of change for the initiative and designing key monitoring indicators for the project.
Prêmio Itaú UNICEF


With great joy PACTO supported the NGO Doutores da Alegria in the strategic review of the "Clowns in Network" program, which fosters relationships and cooperation among different groups that use the figure of the clown to systematically work with patients, aiming to ensure the quality of interventions offered in hospitals.
Doutores da Alegria
"We relied on PACTO’s support in a strategic activity for Idec’s Healthy Food Program: the creation of the Alliance for Adequate and Healthy Food, which brings together various civil society organizations from across Brazil. PACTO’s work was essential in helping us map the interests and assets of each actor in the Alliance and, from there, define a common political agenda and set priorities in a collaborative way with tangible results."

- Ana Paula Bortoletto - Idec
Alimentação Saudável
PACTO supported the Ibirapitanga Institute in refining its theory of change for the food sector and designing an evaluation model for its initiatives.
Instituto Ibirapitanga


At the request of the National Department of Sesc—an institution responsible for designing, coordinating, and monitoring projects developed by Sesc’s regional units—PACTO conducted a process of reviewing and reinventing social work with the elderly, carried out by various regional units of Sesc.
"Working with PACTO was wonderful. They managed to create a shared framework together with the entire team, which allowed us to see the Institute from multiple perspectives without losing sight of the whole. With this comprehensive understanding, along with the various demands and expectations, we were able to design a theory of change and an action plan. Thinking about InPACTO's future became much easier."

- Mercia Silva
PACTO supported the strategic planning process of the Child and Consumer Program at Instituto Alana. This process involved listening to the Program’s team and the Institute’s leadership, analyzing materials, redefining its strategic direction, and reviewing its management dynamics.
Criança e Consumo
PACTO was responsible for designing the methodology and facilitating the discussions held during the “Dialogues on Brazilian South-South Cooperation: Monitoring and Evaluation” meeting, promoted by the Center for Studies and Coordination of South-South Cooperation, an organization that aims to foster and support South-South cooperation initiatives working towards a more just, equal, and sustainable society.
Articulação Sul


"Our challenge was to structure, coordinate, and sustain a permanent strategy management process for the organization, characterized by independent business units and the rigidity typical of a combination of a financial institution and a public agency. PACTO, as a specialist in change management and, above all, in collective construction processes, supported us throughout this journey, enabling us to create and follow our own path of evolution."

- — Manuel Augusto – National Treasury Secretariat
Secretaria do Tesouro Nacional


"PACTO was fundamental in the evolution of the Ubuntu Network as an organization. By combining a structured approach to strategic planning with a human and subtle touch, PACTO was able to create a process that allowed us to have the necessary conversations to evolve as a network. All of this was done with a deep alignment of purpose, as PACTO’s facilitators direct all their work and efforts toward truly making a difference in transforming our society. Immense gratitude!"

— Eduardo Seindenthal
Rede Ubuntu


"Changing our institutional mission and implementing a new agenda with the team and board was an intense process of reflection for us. With PACTO’s collaboration, we adopted an operational model that allows for greater fluidity, exchange, and autonomy, enabling people to take on different roles in their daily activities. We realized that this approach can be more effective in engaging the team and is also necessary to address complex issues such as the sustainable development of urban peripheries."

- Paula Galeano
Fundação Tide Setubal


PACTO supported Agenda Pública in reviewing and redefining its Theory of Change for the coming years and in designing the operational plan for 2018, aligning it with the organization's Theory of Change strategies and short-, medium-, and long-term results.
Agenda Pública
"Creating new organizations that remain true to their commitment to clarity and effectiveness in action—spaces for continuous evolution and learning that are open, creative, dynamic, and fulfilling—while achieving success collectively is a constant challenge of our time. Working with PACTO has always been a valuable experience in this direction, within the framework of the seriousness and inspiration that characterize the company’s work."

- José Marcelo Zacchi
PACTO designed and led a comprehensive strategic and brand review plan for Instituto Alcoa, resulting in innovations and improvements across Strategy, Branding, Governance, and the Operational Plan.
Instituto Alcoa


"With precise references and active listening, PACTO helped us review Casa do Povo’s governance based on who we are and what we do. The process lasted several months and took place during a difficult and conflict-ridden internal transition. The consultants became partners and helped us create a new space of trust within the institution itself. For organizations linked to the arts, such as Casa do Povo, reinventing their ways of working is not just a matter of institutional survival but also a fundamental way to fulfill their missions—participating in the emergence of new ways of relating and, therefore, of other possible worlds."

- Benjamin Seroussi
Casa do Povo
"The support that PACTO provided to Instituto Terra Luminous was truly transformative. With just a few days of preparation and two days of facilitating a collective workshop, we gained a level of clarity about our purpose and where best to allocate our energy that we had never achieved before. PACTO’s attentive and systemic perspective helped uncover and reveal both the shadowed and luminous aspects of our organization with elegance and precision!"

- Fabi Maia
Instituto Terra Luminous
PACTO was invited by Instituto Alana to build a future vision, establish a governance model, and formulate the Operational Plan together with its team and the local community for Espaço Alana, located in Jardim Pantanal, a vulnerable community on the far east side of São Paulo. Espaço Alana has existed for 20 years, and its mission is to promote local development through socio-educational actions and community engagement.
Espaço Alana


PACTO conducted a class on Theory of Change for Artemisia's entrepreneurs and supported the process of analyzing and adjusting the relationship between the organization's indicators and its Theory of Change. The goal was to identify the intended changes through its business and how they would occur.
Rogério Silva, a partner at PACTO, teaches the course Theories of Change at Escola N, aiming to demonstrate how desired social transformations can be achieved by an organization, a social program, a public policy, or an impact-driven business. Rogério also teaches the course Reinventing Organizations alongside Sérgio Sampaio, founder of PACTO, with the goal of rethinking practices and overcoming outdated models to develop organizations that effectively fulfill their purpose.
Escola N